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1505 North Broadway, Minot, ND 58703

Grand Hotel FAQs

Learn more about Grand Hotel

Have a hotel-related question? We have the answer! Check out our FAQs below to learn more about our company.



How far away are you from the airport?
The airport is less than half a mile away. You can see the airport from the hotel. Not many other hotels in Minot, ND have this convenience. According to Expedia, travelers visit an average of 38 websites before booking their accommodations. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Do you have an in-house restaurant and bar?
Our Restaurant and Lounge is currently closed due to renovations. We are working on creating a space to bring you an even better dining experience!

Do you allow pets?
Our property is very proud to be pet-friendly. A pet fee of $25 per day up to $75 maximum will be added to your reservation charge.